Sunday, February 20, 2011

Analysis of Typical Eyes, Eyelashes and Eyebrows

     The terms “Large” and “Small” eyes are merely convenient descriptive expressions. After maturity all human eyes are approximately the same in size and the difference between those which are called large and others that are described as small only refers to the portions of the eyeballs which are exposed when the lids are normally open. It is necessary to observe the eyes in profile as well as in front to judge accurately of their size and prominence.

Thick Bushy Eyebrows
     Thick, bushy eyebrows are of coarse texture and bespeak masculine traits, as well as a severe, uncompromising nature and conceit.
     Brows are prone to become thick and bushy as one grows older, and this gives to the countenance a venerable expression and develops a forceful appearance. Men of willful thought and decided character usually have heavy eyebrows.
     Thin, delicately penciled brows betoken gentleness and refinement. They are usual with the female sex and are contrary to aggressiveness, individuality and force of character

     Eyelashes are long, short, fine or coarse. Those which are long and cast a shadow over the eyes are considered beautiful. Long lashes are feminine, short ones are masculine, and this is so for the reason that females more frequently than males have large, wide open eyes which require the extra protection against dust which long lashes afford.

Movement of the Eyes
     Turning the eyes sideways without moving the head, or what is known a looking askance, implies suspicion, timidity or vindictiveness. This habit is not uncommon with the insane and also with criminals, who are naturally the most suspicious of men. One should be on guard against people who have this habit. Bear in mind that those who are over-suspicious of their fellow men are liable to be untrustworthy themselves. With children, looking askance denotes timidity, a silent, cautious disposition or underdeveloped mentality. Downcast eyes suggest humility, modesty affection or embarrassment.

Oblique (Slanted) Eyes
     Eyes which are almond-shaped and slant upwards and outwards from the nose at an oblique angle refer to memory and capacity for details.
     Eyes which are oblique in the opposite direction to that of the Asian, so that they slant outward and downward from the root of the nose, like those of the eagle, suggest keen insight, self-esteem, shrewdness, executive capacity, deep thought concentration of mind and pessimism. This variety suggests high mentality and much intelligence.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Safety At A Glance The Ancient Science That Could Save Your Life

The ancient science of face reading and body reading finds its roots in early Egyptian times where recorded writing tells us that the Egyptians were studying body and facial structure to identify how people act or react in the moment. This study was carried forward by Aristotle, the father of physiognomy (the study of human structure) and is spoken of by Plato, who in his writings tells us of Socrates selecting his pupils according to their structural build.
Aristotle, the father of science, had a system of noticing a person’s natural individuality from their structure. Aristotle suggested that the Structure / Function approach be carried further, isolating many human characteristics that are connected with the natural body. He recommended noticing what certain persons have in common in their inherent Features / Tendencies and then determine the physical coincident. Aristotle found that people who are built rugged are inclined to act ruff and rugged. He discovered that these type of individuals are usually coarse, loud, insensitive and unable to understand or feel any change of mood or emotion.   Whereas people who are built more thin skinned and delicate are inclined to act thin skinned and delicate. He learned that these type of people were more Sensitive and Comparatively Fragile and Loud Noises, Vibrant Colors, Strong Odors, Rough Fabrics, Heavy Food, Vulgarity, Dirt, Disorder and Disharmony affected them.   He noticed that broad faced people displayed more self-confidence and acted quickly with more assuredness of themselves. He determined that the broad faced individual possessed superior physical stamina and was more incline to engage in battle than those with finer features who were deficient in physical endurance.. With a little help from Aristotle, you will learn how to identify several key characteristics that will put labels on your native intuition.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Eyes Are The Gateway To The Soul

The eye is the microscope, the telescope, the periscope of the mind. It is the instrument by which and through which the spiritual comprehends the material. It is the gateway to the soul.
            Among the features, none are more interesting than the eyes, for by them not only character but even thoughts are revealed. Thus, the Boxer, by watching the eyes of his opponent, knows where to place his guard as well as the points which are open to attack. On the street, a glance decides instantly on which side one is to pass a stranger or upon which side he will be allowed to pass. Words are not really needed ; the glance is imperative. Yes or no is as clearly spoken by meeting of the eyes upon such occasions, as though it were told by the lips.
It is astounding how many expressions the eyes, in combination with other features, can give forth. Thus, a man may look humorous, sly enthusiastic, aspirant, trusting, despairing, scornful, stupid, frivolous, firm, anxious, animated, sympathetic, calm or disdainful, and each of these expressions is produced by the expansion or contraction of different combinations of facial muscles, but especially of those which control the eyes, eyebrows and eyelids.
There is a language of the eyes which, although voiceless and wordless, is universally understood and more to be relied upon than speech, for by and unguarded glance truth may be revealed even when the tongue lies.
People converse with their eyes as much as with their lips and thought expressed is at times so emphatic that a single look has been known to ruin friendship. One glance like a flash of lightning may reveal hatred that is smoldering within the breast. If a man looks good-hearted, words are superfluous; if he looks dangerous, it is not advisable to afford him an chance to prove it. A vicious eye arouses either alarm or combativeness, according as the one observed is by disposition submissive or resistive, timid or brave. Authority is in the eyes of the autocrat just as subservience is depicted in the countenance of the underling and even social status is revealed by the presence of absence of confidence in the eye.  
Alertness as exhibited in the eye is an index of energy, initiative and cleverness. Honesty or dishonesty, virtue or vice are also disclosed. One who does not question his position will face the world fearlessly, but unworthiness is at once evidenced by the glance.