Sunday, February 20, 2011

Analysis of Typical Eyes, Eyelashes and Eyebrows

     The terms “Large” and “Small” eyes are merely convenient descriptive expressions. After maturity all human eyes are approximately the same in size and the difference between those which are called large and others that are described as small only refers to the portions of the eyeballs which are exposed when the lids are normally open. It is necessary to observe the eyes in profile as well as in front to judge accurately of their size and prominence.

Thick Bushy Eyebrows
     Thick, bushy eyebrows are of coarse texture and bespeak masculine traits, as well as a severe, uncompromising nature and conceit.
     Brows are prone to become thick and bushy as one grows older, and this gives to the countenance a venerable expression and develops a forceful appearance. Men of willful thought and decided character usually have heavy eyebrows.
     Thin, delicately penciled brows betoken gentleness and refinement. They are usual with the female sex and are contrary to aggressiveness, individuality and force of character

     Eyelashes are long, short, fine or coarse. Those which are long and cast a shadow over the eyes are considered beautiful. Long lashes are feminine, short ones are masculine, and this is so for the reason that females more frequently than males have large, wide open eyes which require the extra protection against dust which long lashes afford.

Movement of the Eyes
     Turning the eyes sideways without moving the head, or what is known a looking askance, implies suspicion, timidity or vindictiveness. This habit is not uncommon with the insane and also with criminals, who are naturally the most suspicious of men. One should be on guard against people who have this habit. Bear in mind that those who are over-suspicious of their fellow men are liable to be untrustworthy themselves. With children, looking askance denotes timidity, a silent, cautious disposition or underdeveloped mentality. Downcast eyes suggest humility, modesty affection or embarrassment.

Oblique (Slanted) Eyes
     Eyes which are almond-shaped and slant upwards and outwards from the nose at an oblique angle refer to memory and capacity for details.
     Eyes which are oblique in the opposite direction to that of the Asian, so that they slant outward and downward from the root of the nose, like those of the eagle, suggest keen insight, self-esteem, shrewdness, executive capacity, deep thought concentration of mind and pessimism. This variety suggests high mentality and much intelligence.

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