Friday, February 18, 2011

Safety At A Glance The Ancient Science That Could Save Your Life

The ancient science of face reading and body reading finds its roots in early Egyptian times where recorded writing tells us that the Egyptians were studying body and facial structure to identify how people act or react in the moment. This study was carried forward by Aristotle, the father of physiognomy (the study of human structure) and is spoken of by Plato, who in his writings tells us of Socrates selecting his pupils according to their structural build.
Aristotle, the father of science, had a system of noticing a person’s natural individuality from their structure. Aristotle suggested that the Structure / Function approach be carried further, isolating many human characteristics that are connected with the natural body. He recommended noticing what certain persons have in common in their inherent Features / Tendencies and then determine the physical coincident. Aristotle found that people who are built rugged are inclined to act ruff and rugged. He discovered that these type of individuals are usually coarse, loud, insensitive and unable to understand or feel any change of mood or emotion.   Whereas people who are built more thin skinned and delicate are inclined to act thin skinned and delicate. He learned that these type of people were more Sensitive and Comparatively Fragile and Loud Noises, Vibrant Colors, Strong Odors, Rough Fabrics, Heavy Food, Vulgarity, Dirt, Disorder and Disharmony affected them.   He noticed that broad faced people displayed more self-confidence and acted quickly with more assuredness of themselves. He determined that the broad faced individual possessed superior physical stamina and was more incline to engage in battle than those with finer features who were deficient in physical endurance.. With a little help from Aristotle, you will learn how to identify several key characteristics that will put labels on your native intuition.

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